
Home > @poq/sdk-sfcc > ISearchSuggestionClient > getSearchSuggestion

ISearchSuggestionClient.getSearchSuggestion() method

Provides keyword search functionality for products, categories, content, brands and custom suggestions. Returns suggested products, suggested categories, suggested content, suggested brands and custom suggestions for the given search phrase.


getSearchSuggestion(q: string, count?: number, currency?: string, locale?: string, options?: RequestOptions): Promise<PoqResponse<SuggestionResult>>;


Parameter Type Description
q string The query phrase to search for.
count number (Optional) The maximum number of suggestions per request. Default value is 5. This affects all types of suggestions (category, product, content, brand, custom suggestions).
currency string (Optional) The currency mnemonic specified for price. This parameter is effective only for product suggestions.
locale string (Optional)
options RequestOptions (Optional) Override http request option.

