AccountService |
IAccountService covers account specific operations such as user registration, login, logout, guest token generation and so. |
ApproachingDiscount |
Document representing a note to an object. |
ApproachingDiscountResult |
A result of a approaching discount request. |
AuthRequest |
Document representing the authentication request type. |
BaseModel |
Base OCAPI Model class. |
Basket |
Document representing a basket. |
BasketPaymentInstrumentRequest |
Document representing a basket payment instrument request. |
BasketReference |
Reference to a basket. |
BasketsClient |
BasketsResult |
Result document containing an array of baskets. |
BatchProductsClient |
BatchPRoductsClient provides an API to work with SFCC PRoducts but some methods are overloaded to support split requests to take data in batches |
BonusDiscountLineItem |
Document representing a bonus discount line item |
BoolFilter |
Document representing a boolean filter. |
BoolQuery |
A boolean query allows construction of full logical expression trees consisting of other queries (usually term and text queries). A boolean query basically has 3 sets of clauses that ‘must’, ‘should’ and / or ‘must not’ match. If ‘must’, ‘must_not’, or ‘should’ appear in the same boolean query, they are combined logically using the AND operator. |
BundledProduct |
Document representing a bundled product within a product bundle. |
CartContractMigrator |
Migrator aims to align the salesforce contracts with the Poq contracts. |
CartService |
Service aims to provide an abstraction over Sfcc Basket operations and handles guest baskets alongside with. |
CartTransferService |
Service helps to transfer items from cart transfer request to sfcc basket. |
CategoriesClient |
Category |
Document representing a category. |
CategoryResult |
Result document containing an array of categories. |
CheckoutService |
SFCC Checkout service interface to initiate start procedure. |
CheckoutSettingsProvider |
Provider defines a way to return checkout settings. |
Configuration |
Content |
Document representing a content asset. |
ContentClient |
ContentFolder |
Document representing a content folder. |
ContentFolderResult |
Result document containing an array of content folders. |
ContentResult |
Result document containing an array of content assets. |
ContentSearchClient |
ContentSearchRefinement |
Document representing a search refinement attribute. |
ContentSearchRefinementValue |
Document representing a search refinement value. |
ContentSearchResult |
Document representing a content search result. |
CouponItem |
Document representing a coupon item. |
Customer |
Document representing a customer. |
CustomerAddress |
Document representing a customer address. |
CustomerAddressLink |
* Result document of product list addresses. |
CustomerAddressResult |
Result document containing an array of customer addresses. |
CustomerInfo |
Document representing information used to identify a customer. |
CustomerOrderResult |
Result document containing an array of customer orders. |
CustomerPaymentCardRequest |
Document representing a customer payment card request. |
CustomerPaymentInstrument |
Document representing a customer payment instrument. |
CustomerPaymentInstrumentRequest |
Document representing a customer payment instrument request. |
CustomerPaymentInstrumentResult |
Document representing a customer payment instrument result. The payment data contained is masked where needed for security purposes. |
CustomerProductList |
Document representing a customer product List. |
CustomerProductListItem |
Document representing a customer product list item. |
CustomerProductListItemLink |
Document representing a customer product list item link. |
CustomerProductListItemPurchase |
Document representing a customer product list item purchase. |
CustomerProductListItemPurchaseResult |
Document representing a customer product list purchases result. |
CustomerProductListItemResult |
Document representing a customer product list items result. |
CustomerProductListRegistrant |
Document representing a customer product list registrant. |
CustomerProductListResult |
Document representing a customer product lists result. |
CustomerRegistration |
Document representing the registration information for a customer. |
CustomersClient |
CustomersExtProfile |
CustomObject |
Document representing a custom object that contains all defined custom attributes for its object type. |
CustomObjectsClient |
Discount |
Document representing a discount that was |
DiscountRequest |
Document representing a discount to be applied to a custom price adjustment. The properties |
ExpressCheckoutService |
SFCC Express checkout service interface to configure shipping address, update/get shipping methods and, place order. |
FilteredQuery |
A filtered query allows to filter the result of a (possibly complex) query using a (possibly complex) filter. |
FoldersClient |
GiftCertificate |
Document representing a gift certificate. |
GiftCertificateClient |
GiftCertificateItem |
A gift certificate item. |
GiftCertificateRequest |
Document representing a gift certificate request data. |
Image |
ImageGroup |
Document representing an image group containing a list of images for a particular view type and an optional variation value. |
Inventory |
Document representing inventory information of the current product for a particular inventory list. |
Locale |
Document that describes a single locale. |
Master |
NestedQuery |
A nested query queries nested documents that are part of a larger document. The classical example is a product master with variants (in one big document) where you want to constrain a search to masters that have variants that match multiple constraints (like color = blue AND size = M). This query is not compatible with some search types. |
Note |
Document representing a note to an object. |
NotesResult |
A result of a note request. Contains notes for an object - for example, for a basket. |
Option |
Document representing a product option. |
OptionItem |
Document representing an option item. |
OptionValue |
Document representing an option value. |
Order |
Document representing an order. |
OrderAddress |
Document representing an order address. |
OrderPaymentCardRequest |
Document representing an order payment card request. |
OrderPaymentInstrument |
Document representing an order payment instrument. |
OrderPaymentInstrumentRequest |
Document representing an order payment instrument request. |
OrdersClient |
OrderSearchClient |
OrderSearchHit |
Document representing an order search hit. |
OrderSearchRequest |
Document representing an order search request. |
OrderSearchResult |
Document representing an order search result. |
PasswordChangeRequest |
Document representing a password change request. |
PasswordReset |
Document representing a password reset request. |
PathRecord |
Document representing most basic info (id and name) of a category or catalog. |
PaymentBankAccount |
Document representing a payment bank account. |
PaymentBankAccountRequest |
Document representing a payment bank account request. |
PaymentCard |
Document representing a payment card. |
PaymentCardSpec |
Document representing the specification for a payment card. |
PaymentMethod |
Document representing a payment method. |
PaymentMethodResult |
Result document of payment methods applicable for a basket. |
PriceAdjustment |
Document representing a price adjustment within a basket or order. Price adjustments can be assigned at the order, product, or shipping level. They can be created by the promotion engine (if the custom flag is set to false) or can be added by custom logic (if the custom flag is set to true). For custom price adjustments created by a user, the manual flag should be set to true; this is always the case for price adjustments created using OCAPI. |
PriceAdjustmentLimit |
Document representing a price adjustment limit. |
PriceAdjustmentLimits |
Document representing a list of PriceAdjustmentLimit items. It returns all the price adjustment limits for a particular user across various Access Roles. |
PriceAdjustmentLimitsClient |
PriceAdjustmentRequest |
Document representing a price adjustment request. |
Product |
Document representing a product. |
ProductDetailsLink |
Document representing a link to the resource for product details. |
ProductItem |
Document representing a product item. |
ProductLink |
Document representing a link between two products. It contains the id of the source and target products, the type of product link, and URLs to retrieve product data. |
ProductListEvent |
Document representing a product list event. |
ProductListItemReference |
ProductListLink |
Document representing a link to a product list. |
ProductListRegistrant |
Document representing a product list registrant. |
ProductListsClient |
ProductListShippingAddress |
Document representing a product list shipping address. |
ProductPromotion |
Document representing a product promotion. |
ProductRef |
Document representing a product reference. |
ProductResult |
Result document containing an array of products. |
ProductsClient |
ProductSearchClient |
ProductSearchHit |
Document representing a product search hit. |
ProductSearchRefinement |
Document representing a product search refinement attribute. |
ProductSearchRefinementValue |
Document representing a product search refinement value. |
ProductSearchRequest |
Search params for product search. |
ProductSearchRequestRefinement |
Class defines refinement values for product search. |
ProductSearchRequestRefinements |
Class defines refinements for search as a group. |
ProductSearchResult |
Document representing a product search result. |
ProductSearchSortingOption |
Document representing a product search sorting option. |
ProductSimpleLink |
Document representing a link to a product. |
ProductType |
Document representing a product type. |
ProfileConverter |
IProfileConverter defines method to convert from the poq user profile to sfcc customer model and back. |
Promotion |
Document representing a promotion. |
PromotionLink |
Document representing a promotion link. |
PromotionResult |
Result document containing an array of promotions. |
PromotionsClient |
PublicProductList |
PublicProductListItem |
Document representing a product list item. |
PublicProductListItemResult |
Result document containing an array of product list items. |
PublicProductListLink |
Document representing a link to a public product list. |
PublicProductListResult |
Result document containing an array of public product list links. |
QueryFilter |
Document representing a query filter. A query filter wraps any query and allows it to be used as a filter. |
Range2Filter |
Document representing a range compare with range filter, named Range2Filter. |
RangeFilter |
Document representing a range filter. |
Recommendation |
Document representing a product recommendation. |
RecommendationType |
Document representing a recommendation type. |
ResetPasswordRequest |
ResetPasswordTokenRequest |
ResetPasswordTokenResult |
ResultPage |
Data that can be used to get the next and previous page of a Data API results object. |
SearchRefinementsConverter |
SearchService |
Service aims to provide an abstraction over Sfcc Product search operations. |
SearchSuggestionClient |
SessionsClient |
Shipment |
Document representing a shipment. |
ShippingItem |
Document representing a shipping item. |
ShippingMethod |
Document representing a shipping method. |
ShippingMethodResult |
Result document containing shipping methods. |
ShippingPromotion |
Document representing a shipping promotion. |
SimpleLink |
Document representing a link to another resource. |
Site |
Document representing a site. |
SiteClient |
Sort |
Document representing a sort request. |
Status |
Document representing a status of an object. |
Store |
Document representing a store. |
StoreResult |
Result document containing an array of stores. |
StoresClient |
SuggestedCategory |
SuggestedContent |
SuggestedPhrase |
Document representing a suggested search phrase. |
SuggestedProduct |
Document representing a product search hit. |
SuggestedTerm |
Document representing a suggested term. |
SuggestedTerms |
Document representing a list of suggested terms for each term of a search phrase. |
Suggestion |
Document representing a suggestion. |
SuggestionResult |
Document representing a search suggestion result. |
TermFilter |
Document representing a term filter. |
TermQuery |
A term query matches one (or more) value(s) against one (or more) document field(s). A document is considered a hit if one of the values matches (exactly) with at least one of the given fields. The operator “is” can only take one value, while “one_of” can take multiple values. If multiple fields are specified, they are combined using the OR operator. The |
TextQuery |
A text query is used to match some text (i.e. a search phrase possibly consisting of multiple terms) against one or multiple fields. In case multiple fields are provided, the phrase conceptually forms a logical OR over the fields. In this case, the terms of the phrase basically have to match within the text, that would result in concatenating all given fields. |
TokenInfo |
Model carries token information and methods for encoding and decoding tokens. |
TrustedSystemAuthRequest |
Variant |
Document representing a product variation. |
VariationAttribute |
Document representing a variation attribute. |
VariationAttributeValue |
Document representing a variation attribute value. |
VariationGroup |
Document representing a variation group. |