
Home > @poq/sdk-sfcc > ICustomersClient > postCustomersByIDProductListsByIDItemsByIDPurchases

ICustomersClient.postCustomersByIDProductListsByIDItemsByIDPurchases() method

Adds a purchase to an item in the customers product list. Considered values from the request body are: purchaser_name: name of the purchaser, mandatory. This is the full name of the purchaser of this product list item. quantity: amount purchased, mandatory. This is the quantity of the items purchased from the product list. custom properties in the form c_<CUSTOM_NAME>: the custom property must correspond to a custom attribute (<CUSTOM_NAME>) defined for ProductListItemPurchase. The value of this property must be valid for the type of custom attribute defined for ProductListItemPurchase.


postCustomersByIDProductListsByIDItemsByIDPurchases(customerId: string, listId: string, itemId: string, body: CustomerProductListItemPurchase, options?: RequestOptions): Promise<PoqResponse<CustomerProductListItemPurchase>>;


Parameter Type Description
customerId string The id of the customer - owner of the product list.
listId string The id of the product list.
itemId string The id of the product list item where to add the purchase.
body CustomerProductListItemPurchase  
options RequestOptions (Optional) Override http request option.

