
Home > @poq/sdk-sfcc > ICartService > syncCart

ICartService.syncCart() method

Synchronizes PoqCart with existing SfccBasket. If SfccBasket does not exist it will be created and filled in the content of PoqCart.


syncCart(guestAuthInfo: AuthInfo, guestCustomerId: string, loggedUserAuthInfo: AuthInfo, loggedCustomerId: any, appIdentifier: string, poqUserId: string, locale?: string): Promise<PoqResponse<void>>;


Parameter Type Description
guestAuthInfo AuthInfo The auth token of the guest user.
guestCustomerId string The customer id of the guest.
loggedUserAuthInfo AuthInfo The auth token or credentials of the logged user.
loggedCustomerId any The customer id of the logged user.
appIdentifier string The unique guid v4 app identifier.
poqUserId string The unique identifier of the poq user.
locale string (Optional) The indicator carries information about locale.

