AccountClient |
Default implementation of IAccountClient. |
AccountContentResponse |
AccountMigrateRequest |
Address |
The contract describes address related information. |
AddToCartRequest |
AddToCartResponse |
AppStoriesResponse |
Contract defines app stories response. |
AppStory |
Contract defines app story. |
AuthenticationResponse |
BannerResponse |
Banner response |
CartItemRequest |
CartItemResponse |
CartItemWithProductResponse |
CartProductResponse |
CartResponse |
Contract describes cart response. |
CartTransferRequest |
CartTransferResponse |
The expected cart transfer response from the client’s backend. |
CartWithProductsResponse |
CatalogueReview |
Category |
CategoryTree |
CheckoutClient |
Default implementation of ICheckoutClient. |
CheckoutService |
Default implementation of ICheckoutService. |
CheckoutSettings |
CompleteOrderRequest |
ContentBlockResponse |
The contract describes response payload for AccountClient.getMyAccountContentBlocks(). It carries content block information. |
ContentClient |
Default implementation of IContentClient. |
CreateRefreshTokenRequest |
The contract describes request payload for AccountClient.createRefreshToken(). It carries credentials of specific account. |
CreateRefreshTokenResponse |
The contract describes response payload for AccountClient.createRefreshToken(). It carries refresh token. |
DecryptPasswordRequest |
The contract describes request payload for AccountClient.decryptPassword(). It carries refresh token. |
DecryptPasswordResponse |
The contract describes response payload for AccountClient.decryptPassword(). It carries decrypted password. |
ExpressCheckoutConfig |
Contract defines express checkout configuration. |
ExpressCheckoutSummary |
Contract describes express checkout summary. |
FilterAttribute |
Form |
FormVariant |
HttpCookieResponse |
Http cookie represnetation model. |
HttpHeaderResponse |
Represents name value pair of http header. |
Images |
Link |
LinkRequest |
LoginRequest |
NavigationCategory |
Category information as part of the Navigation Tree. |
OrderInStartCartTransferResponse |
OrderItemInStartCartTransferResponse |
OrderStaticContentResponse |
PlaceApplePayOrderRequest |
PlaceOrderResponse |
PoqContract |
Base class for defined contracts. |
PoqResponse |
Response wrapper to simplify error and content handling. All API clients should return such wrapper instead of original response or content. |
PredictiveSearchResponse |
Predictive search response for product |
Price |
Product |
ProductCategory |
Product category for predictive search. |
ProductClient |
Default implementation of IProductClient. |
ProductDetails |
ProductMeta |
ProductVariant |
ProfileRequest |
ProfileResponse |
Promotion |
RefreshToken |
RefreshTokenRequest |
RegisterRequest |
ResponsePagination |
Contract defines pagination shape. |
Review |
Contract describes review model. |
ReviewResponse |
Contract describes the form of |
Saving |
SearchClient |
Default implementation of ISearchClient. |
SearchProductListingRequest |
SearchRequestFilterAttribute |
SearchRequestSortField |
SearchResponse |
SearchResponseFilter |
SearchResponseFilterList |
Holds the list of values of a list filter. |
SearchResponseFilterPrice |
SearchResponseFilterSlider |
SearchResponseFilterToggle |
SearchResponseFilterValue |
SearchResponseForm |
Represents information of a form of a product such as colour or size. |
SearchResponseFormVariation |
Represents information of a variation of a product form. For example, red and green can be variations of the colour form. |
SearchResponseListingPrice |
SearchResponseListingPriceRange |
Container for price range.s |
SearchResponseProductListing |
Representation of the product listing. |
SearchResponsePromotions |
Represntation of promotions. |
SearchResponseReviews |
Representation of listing product reviews. |
SearchResponseStock |
Stock information of variatiion. |
SearchResponseVariantGroup |
Represents collective information for a group of variants. |
ShippingMethod |
Contract defines shipping method. |
ShippingMethodsResponse |
ShopResponse |
Response contract for the Shop screen. Includes Banner Image URL and Navigation Tree. |
StartCartTransferResponse |
The Cart Transfer response to return the the iOS and Android apps. |
Stock |
StoreResponse |
Store response. |
StoryCard |
Contracts descrbies story card. |
StoryCardProduct |
Contract defines story card product. |
UpdateCartRequest |
UpdateCartRequestItem |
UserWishlist |
UserWishlistItem |
VariantMeta |