
Web Checkout Integration Part 2: Web Page Setup

Important: We will set up the checkout journey and analytics tracking based on the specifications in this document. These may stop working properly if you make incompatible changes to your website.


We need your website to:

Bag or Check Out Details page

This page is the initial page users see when they press the “Go To Checkout” button on the native bag page.

Order Completion page

This page is the page users see when they successfully place an order.

<script type="text/javascript">
function getPoqOrder() {
  return {
    "orderId" : "0776620100",
    "subTotal" : 10.00,
    "delivery" : 5.00,
    "discount" : 2.00,
    "total" : 13.00,
    "currency": "GBP"

Sample HTML

As a guideline, you can use the following sample HTML that includes all the required elements for our app to work. Highlighted in the comments are the placeholders variables that need to be changed to match your app values.

        <script type="text/javascript">  //This is the javascript to get the analytcs data
        function getPoqOrder() {
            return {
                orderId: "85JG-H29L-211P-WX91", //String - populate this with the order id coming from your system
                subTotal: 12.99, //Float - total amount of the products purchased before discounts
                discount: 2.99, //Float - total amount of discounts applied to that order
                delivery: 2.50, //Float - delivery charges for that order
                total: 12.50, //Float - total amount of the order with delivery charges after discounts
                currency: "GBP" //String - currency isocode (e.g. GBP)
        <title>Web Checkout</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="_styles/styles.css">
        <h1>Thanks for your order!</h1>
        <div><!-- Order details --></div>
        <!-- This button with that href is required in order to close down the webview once the order is completed. The copy of the button can be changed. -->
        <a id="continue" href="/?continue_shopping">Continue Shopping</a> 

Page Styling

It is best if your back-end provides HTML pages that are optimised and tested for embedding in an app web view. We suggest to hide header and footer of your webpage and any other link that would distract the users from the checkout journey and them navigate your website while in the app.