
Web Checkout Integration

See Product Feed and Cart Transfer Integration.


Web checkout integration allows for a seamless shopping experience in your shopping apps by allowing users to easily transfer the items in the app bag to your web checkout. With the web checkout integration, users tap “Go To Checkout” on the native bag page and the app opens an app web view to display the web checkout page on your website.

It is usually quite easy to implement and carries minimal risk to your deployment.


To set this up on our end, we need to know from you:

  1. Your preferred option of cart transfer integration:
    1. If Option 1: The API endpoint URL of the test and the production environments.
    2. If Option 2A: Web page URL of the test and the production environments.
    3. If Option 2B: Base web page URL of the test and the production environments.
  2. The cookie domain of your website: This is the domain that you set for your web cookies.
  3. Example SKUs for us to test the integration for the test and the production environments.
